Let’s Talk About Inheriting Wealth

Being given life-changing amounts of money can feel isolating. You are not alone.


  • Private Coaching

    3 Month - 12 Month Engagement

    This is a five-phase process designed to meet you exactly where you are and guide you toward clarity you need to move forward.

  • 8 Week Cohort

    Join others as we embark on an 8 week journey navigating the complexities of inherited wealth.

  • Private Family Mediation

    To assist families navigating fragile dynamics during the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next.

The Method

  • Phase 1: Share

    In Phase 1 we discuss what this inheritance stirs up in you. Here you have the time and space to share what is on your mind and in your heart.

  • Phase 2: Organize

    In Phase 2 we take inventory of everything you own. You will gain a clear picture of what you have and how it is designed to be used. This allows you to move forward with clarity.

  • Phase 3: Dream

    In Phase 3 you dream about the life you want to live. You don’t worry about how, you just get to dream in great detail. This phase brings life and meaning to your money.

  • Phase 4: Plan

    In Phase 4 we get practical. We discuss timelines, budgets and logistics of your dream life and how to utilize your money to achieve it. This phase provides you with a map toward achieving your goals.

  • Phase 5: Act

    In Phase 5, empowered with a strong sense of agency in your life, you will be ready to take action. Our work together will come to an end as you feel fully equipped to move forward with confidence.

Why Does Given Not Earned Exist?

Coming into money can powerfully transform your life, there’s no doubt about it. However, the challenges associated with wealth, particularly wealth that was not directly earned, are rarely talked about.

After all, who would understand? Are you going to talk to your neighbor about the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were left to you in a spousal trust? Are you going to call your best friend and tell her you feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of handling the millions of dollars worth of assets that you inherited from your parents? Will your running buddies understand when you tell them you don’t feel like you can touch the money that your grandparents are distributing to you because it just doesn’t feel like it’s yours?

Most people would hear these things and think, “I sure would like to have those problems.” or “Does he really have the audacity to complain about having too much money?” or “I’m barely making ends meet and she’s saying her grandparents set up a Trust for her before she was even born?”

This is where I come in. I understand what it feels like to come into money that I did not directly earn but is, nonetheless, mine. People feel differently in this position. Some feel entitled, like they deserve the money. Others feel terrified and disabled by it. Some people feel immense gratitude, while others feel stuck in the throes of grief. Talking honestly with someone about an often taboo topic, is liberating. It can be exactly what you need to move forward. Given Not Earned is an inheritance consulting company designed to cater to your unique needs.