
“Getting rich and staying rich are different things that require different skills.” - Morgan Housel

Private Coaching

3 Month - 12 Month Engagement

This is for you if:

  • You have a net worth >$2M

  • The majority of your net worth was created via inheritance or other indirect earnings

  • Thinking about your money causes you to feel stress or confusion

What is Included:

  • 1-on-1 guidance using the 5 phases as a jumping off point

  • 2 private 90 minute sessions per month

  • Unlimited support via email

  • Customized resource guide and program design


  • Increased sense of ownership of your money and life

  • Tangible progress toward long and short-term goals

  • A solution-focused mindset

8 Week Cohort

This is for you if:

  • You have a net worth >$2M

  • The majority of your net worth was created via inheritance or other indirect earnings

  • You thrive in group settings

  • You are willing to share deeply with others

What is Included:

  • Weekly 90 minute virtual group sessions

  • 1 private 60 minute coaching session

  • Honest conversation about beliefs and behaviors around money

  • Peer networking and support


  • Connection with others in relatable circumstances

  • Understanding of how beliefs about money effect life decisions

  • Tools to organize your wealth and improve your life

  • Increased sense of ownership over your life and money

Private Family Mediation

This is for you if:

  • A death in the family initiated a wealth transfer

  • There is tension among adult siblings and/or other family members

  • You need third party help in preserving relationships

What is Included:

  • 1-on-1 meetings with individual family members

  • Mediated family meetings

  • The extent and duration of this service is determined by each family’s unique situation


  • Preservation of family relationships